A Long-Term Dream Becomes Reality
A Dream Begins Jacquie began her fitness journey over 30 years ago as an Aerobics instructor and weightlifter. But her fitness goals were unexpectedly interrupted by a violent injury to her neck and spine sustained in a car accident caused by a drunk driver when she was young. As the years went by she continued…
Are Toxins Stopping Your Weight Loss?
Stop!! You don’t need another weight loss program! Today Americans, like yourself, have struggled to lose weight and most have failed over time, no matter what diet, program or supplement was tried. But YOU didn’t fail. The program, diets and supplements failed YOU!..and there IS a reason. At my upcoming weight loss Seminar in Aptos…
Glyphosate: Unsafe on any plate
Scientist Paid Off, Forbes Journalists Let Go AND NOW THE REST OF THE STORY 2 weeks ago, it came out in legal discovery that Monsanto paid off the “scientist” who wrote the paper that said glyphosate was safe and didn’t cause cancer. >> You can learn it all by watching this Free Documentary Series Last…
The Bone Broth Miracle
An age old digestive aid, known to helps control heartburn, colitis, gastritis, Crohn’s disease and even chronic inflammation! Unlike our canine friends, we humans have much less patience and thus a harder time getting the marrow out of those long bones, yet the amount of nutrients found in bones is amazing. The ‘new’ old tradition…
Stress on our body can break down our immune system…
Stressed Out? You are not alone! Lately too many people seem to be emotionally overburdened due to things like our political environment. Stress on our body can breakdown our immune system leaving us susceptible to disease as well as cause an exaggeration of physical symptoms of pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Stress affects our body…
Scientists find the dangerous neurotoxin mercury in our central coast fog!
Killer Fog?.. or is it just another nail in your coffin? Scientist find the dangerous neurotoxin mercury in our central coast fog! Should you be concerned? Mercury and other heavy metals neurotoxins, what’s the problem? Last Friday’s front page of the Santa Cruz Sentinel featured and article called “Ocean fog carries mercury, a neurotoxin, to…
Cellular inflammation struck again…
When Barbie found her way into our office, it was very apparent that she needed help. Cellular inflammation struck again. Her diet consisted of too much gluten from GMO grain sprayed with glyphosate (round up),rancid trans fatty acids from margarine, Crisco and otherpoly unsaturated oils. Toxins like lead, mercury and synthetic estrogens inflaming her liver…